This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.” John 8:6 KJV
In this account of the woman taken in the very act of adultery, Jesus is writing on the ground as if he hadn’t even heard them.
I believe we as Christians can take this example from Jesus to learn not to listen to the accusations of the enemy, when he comes to remind us of our sinful past, our past failures, even when he comes to discourage us and cause fear regarding the will of God for us today or even our future. Too many times the enemy drops thoughts in our minds or even has others speak negatively about us and we allow this to play like a record in our minds which not only cause discouragement at this time but allows it to take hold of us at any given time to keep us from God’s will and God Himself.
Let us take the example of Jesus and refuse to accept the voice of the enemy and accept the love and forgiveness like the woman which Jesus has provided us by grace.
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